This guide provides information about the fields on the edit system settings page. This page is located in Tempora in Admin > System Settings > Edit.
This page contains global company settings, if you have additional questions about these fields please use the Submit a request button at the top right of this page to contact our team for help.
This field sets your company name
Extra Hours %
This field sets the percentage of hours a staff member can record over their weekly requirements before a warning is displayed
Hours Per Day
This field sets the usual number of hours worked per day. This is used for holiday bookings if "Staff Rate Holiday Hours" is not enabled on the Holiday General Rules page.
Overhead Uplift %
This field sets a percentage increase for cost rates. When running cost value reports you can choose to increase cost rates by this percentage. This value can be changed in Admin > Finance > Overhead Rates
Company Year End
This field sets the last month of your company year, this is used when adding new calender years.
Level 1 Description
This field sets the name of your level 1 time entry items, this is most frequently set as "Client".
Most companies using Tempora have a three-level structure where users select a client then a project and lastly an activity they wish to record time for.
Level 2 Description
This field sets the name of your level 2 time entry items, this is most frequently set as "Project".
Level 3 Description
This field sets the name of your level 3 time entry items, this is most frequently set as "Activity".
Level 4 Description
This field sets the name of your level 4 time entry items, this is most frequently set as "Sub-Activity".
Level 5 Description
This field sets the name of your level 5 time entry items, this is most frequently set as "Task".
This field sets the currency that is used for this company, this is used for financial reports. Additional currencies can be added by Tempora support on request.
Prompt For Missing Weeks
If this option is enabled users will be prompted to finish partially completed weeks.
No of Previous weeks to Copy
When a user selects a timesheet week it will be prepopulated with items they recorded time for in the previous weeks. This field sets the number of previous weeks that items should be copied from.
Time Entry Units
This field sets the time entry units that can be entered into timesheets for this company. Most companies will use hours to the nearest quarter.
Time Entry Type
This field sets if staff members can record less than their daily requirement for a day. If this field is set to "do not allow < standard daily hours" their required hours will be divided by their working to produce a day value. This value must be reached or exceeded for all working days before the timesheet week can be posted.
Strong (SOX) passwords
If this box is checked Tempora will only accept strong users passwords compliant with Sarbanes Oxley recommendations
Password expiry days
The number of days before user passwords expire and have to be replaced (by the user). If zero, passwords do not expire.
External Ref.
This field sets an external reference code for this company. External reference codes must be unique for each company.
Account Code
This field sets an account code for this company. Account codes do not need to be unique for each company.
Show time entry hours summary
This checkbox enables the display of the user's weekly required hours allowing the user to see the minimum hours they must complete.
Auto Save (Default: 15 Minutes, 0: Off)
This field sets the number of minutes between each auto-save of the timesheets. We recommend 15 minutes allowing the timesheet to be saved regularly without interfering with the user's manual saves.
Working Week
These checkboxes set the default working week for staff members. Non-working days are shown as grey in the staff member's holiday calendar and do not require time records when using do not allow < standard daily hours.
Different working days can be set per staff member in Admin > User accounts > Staff > (staff name) > edit > staff rates > advanced. This is frequently used for part-time staff members.
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