Tempora will not allow you to delete a Client/Project or Activity if time has been assigned to it. This is a security measure to make sure you do not accidentally delete data that you would like to report on. You can expire a Client/Project or Activity to stop staff members from adding time to it as well as removing it in the admin menu.
If you are unable to complete any of the steps in this guide please use the Submit a request button at the top right of this page to contact our team for help.
How Do I Expire A Client
How Do I Expire A Project
How Do I Expire A Activity
Page Glossary (A list of all fields with descriptions)
Expiring a Client
- Click Admin:
- Click Timesheets > Clients > (Client You Wish To Expire) > Edit:
- Please expand the Other Details section. Here you can enter an Expiry Date. Please note that the expiry date must be at least one day after the most recent time booking for this client.
- Click Save: the Client will now disappear from your client list if you set the expiry date to before today's date.
Expiring a Project
- Click Admin:
- Click Timesheets > Clients > Project > (Project You Wish To Expire) > Edit:
- Please expand the Other Details section. Here you can enter an Expiry Date. Please note that the expiry date must be at least one day after the most recent time booking for this Project.
- Click Save: the Project will now disappear from your Project list if you set the expiry date to before today's date.
Expiring an activity
- Click Admin:
- Click Timesheets > Clients > Project > Activities > (Activity You Wish To Expire) > Edit:
- Please expand the Other Details section. Here you can enter an Expiry Date. Please note that the expiry date must be at least one day after the most recent time booking for this Project.
- Click Save: the Activity will now disappear from your Activity list if you set the expiry date to before today's date.
Page Glossary
This field is only shown when creating items at the top level (level 1), this level is often called client. This code is used internally by Tempora as a unique ID.
Time Entry Level
This sets if time can be recorded for this item, often only the lowest level item in a group has this enabled, Tempora will set this automatically when creating new items.
This field sets the name of the item, this is how it will appear in time entry and reports.
This field is only shown when creating items at the top level (level 1). This field indicates that this item and all lower levels attached to it are internal work, these items may not be displayed when running bill value reports.
Short Description
This field is usually auto-populated from the description and is used in a few reports where the description may be too long to display.
Clone from Template
This section allows you to select a template to attach to this item. When the item is created it will populate the lower levels from the selected Template. Templates are especially useful for companies that complete the same types of work for different clients and projects.
Usable as Template
Sets the item you are creating as a template, this means it will appear in the clone from template selection when creating other items at this level.
Exclusively a Template
Sets the item you are creating as exclusively a template meaning it will not be available for time recording. This is often used when a company has a single dedicated template to populate all of their other items.
Expiry Date
Sets the closing date for this item, once this date is reached or exceeded users will not be able to select it in time entry. When a closing date is reached no data is lost the item is only set as inactive and can be reactivated by removing the expiry date.
Inherited Code
This field displays the account code from the level above.
External Ref.
This field sets the item's external reference code, this code must be unique and is often used for matching data in other systems.
Account Code
This field sets the item's account code, this code does not need to be unique and is often used for matching data in other systems.
Adding a tick to a report filter check box means this item and all of its lower levels will be displayed when running a report with the filter selected.
You may also be interested in the following guides
How Do I Add A New Client/Project/Activity
How Do I Add Time Entry Items With A Template
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