This guide will show you how to update a staff member's account information. The most frequent updates are a change of email address, department, job title, required weekly hours or adding a leaving date to the staff member's account.
If you are unable to complete any of the steps in this guide please use the Submit a request button in the top right of this page to contact our team for help.
Staff Edit (Basic information - leaving date, email address etc)
Staff Rates (Staff rate information - Department, Hourly cost rate, required weekly hours etc)
Additional Details (Additional information - address, net login etc)
Page Glossary (A list of all fields with descriptions)
- Staff Edit
This section contains basic staff information, the most frequently updated sections are Leaving Date, Business Email, Last Posted Timesheet.
to change this information please click Admin
- Click User Accounts > Staff > (Staff Name) > Edit
- This section will allow you to amend basic staff information, an explanation of each field has been included below.
Last Name - Staff member's last name.
First Name - Staff member's first name.
Login Code - Staff member's login code, staff can also login with their email address
Known As - The way the staff member's name will be displayed in reports.
Joining Date - The date they joined Tempora.
Leaving Date - The date they stopped using Tempora. After this date is reached the user will not be able to login to Tempora but all of their data will be available for reporting.
Last Posted Timesheet - The most recent timesheet they have submitted.
External Ref - A unique Identifier often used for importing Tempora data to other systems.
Account Code - A non-unique Identifier often used for importing Tempora data to other systems.
Move to (Company) - If you have multiple companies such as Demo UK and Demo USA, this section will allow you to move a staff member to a different default company.
Business Email - The staff member's contact email.
Enable Two Factor Authentication - Enables 2FA requirement on the users login
Exclude from late timesheet email - Disable the late timesheet email reminder for this user.
Email 2FA Code - Emails a QR code to the user to setup 2FA for their account - Click Save once you have made your changes
- Staff Rates
This section controls staff cost information the most frequently updated sections are Department, Job Title, and Standard hours.
To change this information please click Admin
- Click User Accounts > Staff > (Staff Name) > Edit
Cost rates are shown below Staff Information under the heading Staff Rates
- This section will allow you to amend any cost data for this user by clicking the edit button
Office - Staff member's office.
Department - Staff member's current department.
Job Title - Staff members' current Job Title.
Effective From - The date this cost rate started.
Effective To - The date this cost rate ends.
Description - This field is often used to explain the reasons for a cost rate change.
Rate - The amount per hour it costs to employ this staff member. This information is used in the Tempora cost reports to help calculate profitability.
Std Hours - The minimum amount of hours per week this should complete. If this value is not met the user will be unable to submit their timesheet. - Please select the option Advanced in Staff Rate Display to see additional fields
Salary - If included this information will show on select admin reports.
Working Week - The days of the week this staff member works. This is primarily used by the holiday system. - Click update and Save once you have made your changes
Please note you can click Add New at the top of the staff rates section to add a new cost rate. This allows you to have different rates for different time periods. This is most frequently used when a staff member's job title is changed or their required hours change.
- Additional Details
This section controls additional staff information
- Click User Accounts > Staff > (Staff Name) > Edit
Scroll to Additional Details which is shown below Staff Rates under the heading Staff Additional Details
- This section will allow you to amend additional staff information and an explanation of each field has been included below.
Net Login - Links the users account to the user's machine for the Tempora PROMPT
Notes - Notes regarding the staff member such as any special requirements. - Click Save once you have made your changes
Page Glossary
Staff Information Section
This section contains basic information for the staff member, the most commonly updated fields are Known As and Business Email.
Last Name
This field sets the staff member's last name.
First Name
This field sets the staff member's first name.
Login Code
This code can be used to login into Tempora as well as the Business Email address.
Known As
This field sets the staff member's name to be shown in time entry, admin, and reports.
Joining Date
This field sets the date the staff member joined your company, this is also the date they can record time from.
Leaving Date
This field sets the date the staff member left your company, when that date is reached or exceeded the staff member's account will be deactivated. All associated data will be preserved and the account can be reactivated by removing this date.
Last Posted Timesheet
This field sets the last timesheet a staff member posted.
External Ref.
This field sets the staff member's external reference code, this code must be unique and is often used for matching data in other systems.
Account Code
This field sets the staff member's account code, this code does not need to be unique and is often used for matching data in other systems.
Business Email
This field sets the staff member's email address, this address can be used to log in to Tempora and is where all email notifications will be sent.
Enable Two Factor Authentication
Adding a tick to this checkbox will require the user to use 2FA when logging in to Tempora.
Exclude from late timesheet email
Adding a tick to this checkbox will prevent the late timesheet email from being sent to this user
Email 2FA Code
This button emails a 2FA QR code to the user's email address. This QR code is used to set up 2FA authentication.
Staff Rates Section
This section contains rate information for the staff member, the most commonly updated fields are Department and Std Hours.
Add New
This button can be used to add a new staff rate. New rates are often added when a user's job role changes, adding a new rate will retain their previous rate for historic data for reporting.
Staff Rate Display - Basic
This button sets the staff rate section to display in the basic view with fewer options for quick edits.
Staff Rate Display - Advanced
This button sets the staff rate section to display in the advanced view with more options for rate changes.
This field sets the office the user is working at for the selected rate.
This field sets the user's department for the selected rate.
Job Title
This field sets the user's job title for the selected rate.
Effective From
This field sets the start date for the selected rate.
Effective To
This field sets the end date for the selected rate, for the user's current rate this is usually left blank so the rate has no endpoint.
This field provides a description of the rate, this is often used to provide information about why the rate was added. This field will be displayed if advanced is selected for Staff Rate Display.
This field sets the staff member's salary, this is an information field as is not used in calculations.
This field sets the employment cost of this staff member per hour for the selected rate. This field will be displayed if advanced is selected for Staff Rate Display.
Std Hours
This field sets the minimum number of hours the staff member should complete per week for the selected rate.
Working Week
These checkboxes set the working days for the select rate. Non-working days are shown as grey in the staff member's holiday calendar. This field will be displayed if advanced is selected for Staff Rate Display.
Staff Additional Details
This section contains additional information for the staff member
Net Login
The staff member's net login is used to link their account to the Tempora prompt.
This field is used to store any additional information about the staff member's account.
You may also be interested in the following guides
How Do I Expire A Staff Members Account
How Do I See Expired Staff Members
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