With Tempora you can automate reports to run daily, weekly or monthly. These reports will then be emailed to a selection of users. This is often used by project managers to see the number of hours added to a project month by month. The finance team to check staff cost rates and the late timesheet email to remind staff to complete any overdue timesheets.
If you are unable to complete any of the steps in this guide please use the Submit a request button at the top right of this page to contact our team for help.
Report Profile
Scheduled tasks
Page Glossary (A list of all fields with descriptions)
- Adding A Report Profile
Report profiles are used to store report settings, this is especially beneficial for custom export reports you have created.
Click on Reports
- Click the report you would like to store settings for we will use Time Reports > Time By Client > Total Time By Person By Month
Configure the settings you would like to store these are most frequently Client/Time entry level, Detail Level, From Period, and To Period. These may be different depending on your chosen report. - Tick Show profiles in the top right
- Select the Profile Location this will most frequently be Personal or your company name and click Add New.
Please note if your profile is set to Personal only you will be able to see this report profile. If the report profile is set to company all users with the appropriate permissions will be able to see this report profile. - Add a Profile Name and click Save
This profile will now be available in Reports > Saved Profiles
- Adding A Email
Emails are most frequently used with report profiles to automate a report to selected users. Emails are also used by the holiday system and the late timesheet report.
Click on Admin
- Click Reporting > Email > Add New
This section will allow you to set who the email should be sent to, each section is explained below.
Description - Email name for use in Tempora
Email Type - All custom emails should be set to Scheduled Task
Summary To - This field is used for the late timesheet email summary report. When used for other report automations it will act in the same ways as the To field and either can be used.
To - Select the staff member this email should be sent to use control+click to select multiple staff
Subject - The subject line of the email
Header - Optional. Text entered here will appear at the top of the email underlined
Footer - Optional. Text entered here will appear at the bottom of the email in italics - Click Save once you have made your changes
- Adding A Schedule
Schedules are used to set when an automated email will be sent this is most often monthly or weekly. The example below will show you how to Schedule a report monthly.
Click on Admin
- Click Reporting > Schedules > Add New
- This section will allow you to set when the schedule should be run
Name - This will help you Identify this schedule from other schedules
Enabled - If this is not ticked the schedule will not be active
Occurs - This section will set the frequency of this schedule, for this example, we have selected to run the schedule monthly on the first day of the month.
Daily Frequency - This section will set how many times this schedule should be run on an occurring day. We have selected once at 9 am - Click Save once you have made your changes
Adding A Scheduled task
Scheduled tasks are used to link a report profile, email, and schedule together creating the automation.
Click on Admin
- Click Reporting >Scheduled tasks > Add New
- This section will allow you to combine all the elements required to create a report automation
Name - This will help you identify this scheduled task from other scheduled tasks
Email - Please select the email profile to assign to this scheduled task
Schedule - Please select the schedule to assign to this scheduled task
Profile Location - Please select company or personal depending on where your report profile is saved
Profile - Please select the report profile to assign to this scheduled task
Attachment Type - Please set how the report should be delivered, it can be set as HTML, PDF, or CSV.
External recipients - If you would like this automation to be sent to people who do not have a Tempora account please add their email address separately with a comma.
- Click Save once you have made your changes
Page Glossary
Schedules Page
This field sets the name of the schedule. Schedules are usually named with a few words that describe the frequency at which they should run.
This checkbox sets if the schedule is active, if this box is unticked then the reports associated with this schedule will not be sent.
This field lets you select the frequency at which this schedule should send reports.
This schedule will send the associated reports daily.
This schedule can be set to send reports on select days or a day of the week.
This schedule can be set to send reports on select days or dates of the month.
Occurs once
This section sets when the associated reports should be sent if sent once for the conditions above.
Occurs every
This section allows you to select how frequently a report should be sent each day, and if it should be sent more than once.
Start date
This field sets the date the schedule should start sending reports.
End date
This field sets the date the schedule should stop sending reports.
Email Page
This field sets the name of the email. Emails are usually named with a few words that describe their function.
Email Type
This field sets the type of email this is, for automated reports must be set to "Scheduled Task".
Summary To
If this report associated with this email generates a summary this is who the summary will be set to. This is primarily used by the "late timesheet email" report.
This field sets who the email should be sent to. You can select multiple names by holding the control key and clicking additional names.
This field sets the subject line for this email.
This field sets the header for this email, the header is shown in the content of the email and can be blank.
This field sets the footer for this email, the footer is shown in the content of the email and can be blank.
Scheduled Tasks Page
This field sets the name of the scheduled task. scheduled tasks are usually named with a few words that describe their function.
This field sets the email that will be sent by this scheduled task.
This field sets the Schedule that will be sent by this scheduled task.
Profile Location
This field selects the location of the saved profile you would like to send.
This field sets the report profile you would like to use, report profiles provide all in information on how the report should be run.
Attachment Type
This field sets how the attached report will be displayed, this is most frequently set as HTML but reports can also be sent as a PDF or CSV.
External recipients
If this automated report should be sent to individuals who do not have a Tempora account their email addresses can be listed here separated with a comma.
You may also be interested in the following guides
Using the Tempora Export engine
Exporting Time Data to Excel
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