This guide will show you how to complete your timesheets. If you are unable to complete any of the steps in these guides please use the Submit a request button at the top right of this page to contact our team for help.
- Adding Items To The Timesheet
- Using The Search Button
- Entering Time
- Filter activities
- Adding notes
- Removing Items
- Weekly Requirement
- Completing your timesheet
- Printing a Timesheet
Adding items to your timesheet
There are two ways you can add items to your timesheet we have provided examples of both below so you can decide which is most suitable for you.
Add Task dropdowns
Click Add Task this will show the Add To Timesheet menu.
Select the Client*, Project* and Activity* you are working on.
You can type text into any dropdown box to filter the results for that selection. Items that appear in grey text are container items, items that do not appear in grey text can be added to your timesheet.
You can click add if you wish to add the row to your timesheet without time recordings.
If you wish to add your time and notes from this section please use the Date, Hours, Units and Notes fields.
*Please note your level names may be different and you may have more or fewer dropdown boxes depending on your company's settings.
Search button
Click the Search button to open the search window.
You can now add a search term for an item to add, we have used the search term "on-site". Select the appropriate item from the list. To add this item to your timesheet click Select, or to close the window click Cancel.
If you wish to add your time and notes from this section please use the Date, Hours, Units and Notes fields.
Entering time
Now items have been added to your timesheet you can enter time for each item and day. When recording your time please click the Save button to save your changes.
Filter activities
You can filter your timesheet to display and edit selected items. In our case, we have added the text "Abacus" to see time entry items that contain the word abacus in our timesheet. Removing the text in the filter section will show all timesheet items again.
Adding notes
You can add a note to a time entry by clicking a time entry and clicking the Notes button on the far right.
Please enter your note for this item and click OK and then Save. Time entry records containing notes are highlighted in orange.
Removing Items
Unrequired activities can be removed by clicking on the Delete button. Unused activities are automatically removed after a number of weeks set by your Tempora administrator, this is usually two weeks.
Weekly Requirement
The weekly minimum requirement box will show you how many hours you should record for this week. This box will show in red if you have not met your weekly requirement, the box will change to green if you have met or exceeded your weekly requirement.
Completing your timesheet
When you have met or exceeded your required hours the Post button will change from grey to active. When you are happy with your timesheet and there are no changes to make click on the Post button to submit your timesheet.
If you are using the time approval system you will see the message "pending approval" after posting your timesheet.
Printing a Timesheet
Clicking Print will create a PDF of your timesheet that can be saved. If your timesheet has a filter applied to it the PDF will only show the filtered items.
Your timesheet will automatically save every 15 minutes this can be adjusted by the Tempora administrator to be more or less frequent. Tempora recommends manually clicking save in the top left when you make a change for your own peace of mind.
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