Time selling rates can be added to each staff member, Department or job title. These hourly rates are then used in select reports to see how much money should be charged to a client for the hours worked and how profitable a client is.
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How Do I Add A Time Selling Rate
Page Glossary (A list of all fields with descriptions)
- Click Admin:
- Click Finance > Time Selling Rates from the menu:
- Click Add New.
- You will now be able to fill in your time selling rate with the fields
*Name - Select a staff member name if you would like to set the time selling rate by staff member
*Dept - Select a department if you would like to set the time selling rate by department
*Job Title - Select a job title if you would like to set the time selling rate by job title
*We recommend only selecting one of these options when adding a rate.
Rate - The amount an hour of time is sold at per hour
Est. Cost - Only used with the job costing tool, if you do not use job costing please leave this blank
Effective From - the date you would like this rate to start from
Effective To - the date you would like this rate to end, please leave this blank for it to never end - Click Update on the right and Save in the top left to add this Time Selling Rate
The Time selling rate will be active for all staff that fit the set conditions. If you would like to set a time selling rate for a Department then leave the Name and Job Title fields set to <All> but the Department selected.
You can set a time selling rate for all users with the same Job Title by leaving Name and Department fields set to all and the Job Title selected.
Page Glossary
This field set the date time selling rates will be shown, this date selection box is used to show historic selling rates that have since been superseded.
This field lets you set a time selling rate for a staff member, this field can be set as <All>. If this field is set as all it will appear as blank in the display as the rate is set for all staff members.
This field lets you set a time selling rate for a department, this field can be set as <All>. If this field is set as all it will appear as blank in the display as the rate is set for all departments.
Job Title
This field lets you set a time selling rate for a job title, this field can be set as <All>. If this field is set as all it will appear as blank in the display as the rate is set for all job titles.
This is the selling rate value that will be set for the name, dept, or job title you have selected. This is an hourly rate and will be used in the billing reports.
Effective From
The date this rate should take effect from, this field can be left blank and it will be applied without a start point.
Effective To
The date this rate should take effect to, this field can be left blank and it will be applied without an endpoint, meaning it will always be active.
Time selling rates are applied as a hierarchy.
A rate attached to a staff member supersedes a rate only attached to a department or job title.
A rate attached to a job title supersedes a rate only attached to a department.
A rate attached to a department supersedes the global rate which is not attached to a staff member, department, or job title.
You may also be interested in the following guides
Setting Time Selling Discounts
Viewing All Discounts, Discount Setup Report
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