Discounts can be configured to reduce or increase a staff member's time selling rate for particular projects or clients. This is often used when a deal is negotiated for a client where you have offered them a percentage reduction in your usual rates. The guide below will show you how discounts can be configured. Please note you must have first configured time selling rates for your staff if you have not done this please follow the "Adding A Time Selling Rate" guide.
If you are unable to complete any of the steps in this guide please use the Submit a request button at the top right of this page to contact our team for help.
How Do I Add A Time Selling Rate Discount
Page Glossary (A list of all fields with descriptions)
- Click Admin:
- Click Finance > Discounts on the menu:
- Select the Client/Project/Activity to be discounted, the Discount %, and the date range for which the discount applies:
Please note:
The terms “Project” and “Activity” may vary based on your company’s client structure.
You can set the Discount % to a negative number to apply an uplift, e.g -20%.
If the To Date is not specified, then the Discount will apply indefinitely.
You can also specify discounts on a per job title basis using the Job Title field on the left.
You can set a Discount amount if you are targeting a job title.
- Click Save:
If you see the information message "Discounts have been re-calculated. Please click on Save again to apply the new discounts." Please click Save again.
Please note: The discount amount and selling rate fields are inactive by default. They will only be active if you have a time selling rate that is set to a job title and the time selling rate has a defined start date.
Page Glossary
This field set the date discounts will be shown, this date selection box is used to show historic discounts that have since been superseded.
Job Title
This field lets select a job title for the discount or uplift to be applied to, this field can be set as <All>.
Time entry levels
These drop-down boxes let you select the time entry item the discount should be applied to. If you choose <All> at any level the discount will be applied to that level and any levels below it.
Discount %
Sets the percentage that should be applied for this discount. To create an uplift add a minus symbol before the percentage.
Discount amount
Sets the amount that should be applied for this discount, this will calculate the Discount % for you. This field will be locked unless you select a job title that has a selling rate with an effective from date.
Selling rate
This field shows the selling rate of the job title you have selected. This field will be 0 unless you select a job title that has a selling rate with an effective from date.
Effective Date
The date this discount should take effect from, this field can be left blank and it will be applied without a start point.
Effective To
The date this discount should take effect to, this field can be left blank and it will be applied without an endpoint, meaning it will always be active.
You may also be interested in the following guides
Viewing All Discounts, Discount Setup Report
Adding A Time Selling Rate
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